Meet a smoothie made from leftovers veggies … It has a creamy texture and tastes like blueberries with a spicy ginger aftertaste. it’s also loaded with many nutrients from all the berries, beets, spinach, leeks, bananas or Asian warming spices.
This recipe proves one thing: you just can’t go wrong with smoothies. I mean, I didn’t start this recipe with a plan in mind. I didn’t even had avocado at hand .. and you guys know how much I love avocado in my smoothie.
Yet this smoothie turned out pretty good to say at least. Actually, for a smoothie that’s full of berries and no avocado, it tastes surprisingly good. It tastes like berries all around, plus it has a spicy aftertaste that I like so much (ginger spoiler alert!).
Here’s why I like this smoothie. It’s:
& Spicy
Well mixed
Easy to drink
What makes this smoothie special?
When I talk about a smoothie, I don’t talk only about its colors and its taste. I try to see beyond this, I always look at the ingredients and the nutrients they potentially bring to a smoothie.
Here’s why I recommend this smoothie to anyone:
- has quite a few greens in it: spinach, bok choy, leeks.
- and some pretty sweet plants: red beet, banana, berries.
- has spices that make it special: ginger, turmeric, fenugreek, cinnamon and cardamom.
- and extra virgin coconut oil (healthy fats alert!).
- plus an interesting texture that makes it so nice to drink.
- and … comes packed with many “good-for-you” nutrients that will help you immune system bounce back anything bad.
Ever wondered what are those “good-for-you” nutrients that keep coming up in all of these smoothies? Well … this is simply a shortcut I like to use instead of saying: vitamins + minerals + healthy fiber + phytonutrinets (including powerful antioxidants) + enzymes + healthy fats. These are the compounds that your body needs to thrive.
This is one of those smoothies that won’t be forgotten in a corner of your fridge. Bonus Tip: Make sure to prepare more if you have guests, they’ll love it!
I hope you’ll decide to try this recipe. Let me know if you do, and if you liked or didn’t like it. Leave a comment below and I’ll get back asap. Or share a photo on Instagram, tag it #refreshmyhealth and I will follow-up with you. Enjoy your smoothie!
More smoothie inspiration
If you love creative smoothies, you may want to try some of the recipes below (these are some of my favorites):
What is your favorite kind of smoothie? Why do you love smoothies? Share your experience below!
Blueberries Surprise Smoothie
- Blender
- 250 g frozen blueberries
- 200-250 g frozen spinach
- 1 bok choy
- 1/2 cucumber fabio
- 5 cm leeks
- 2 bananas (peeled)
- 1 red beet (skin removed, sliced)
- 2-3 tbsp extra virgin coconut oil
- 1 tsp cinnamon powder
- 1 tsp cardamom powder
- 1 tsp ginger powder
- 1 tsp turmeric powder
- 1 tsp fenugreek powder
- 1/2 tsp Himalayan salt
- 1/4 lemon (with skin, organic)
- 500 ml water
- Wash and prep all the ingredients as indicated.
- Blend everything on medium to high speed until you obtain the desired texture.
- Serve fresh or store in the fridge for max 2 days.
- Color: cherry dark red (no trace of greens)
- Texture: solid texture, very creamy, some seeds from the berries
- Taste: sweet taste with a ginger aftertaste, otherwise sweet and pleasant to drink
If the lemon you’re using is not organically grown, remove its skin prior to using it in your smoothie. That’s because conventionally grown lemons may be sprayed with harmful chemicals and since the skin acts like a protective layer, most chemicals will end-up in the skin.
Marcel, I love this smoothie because it combines berries, spinach, banana and other vegetables to perfection. You should’ve called this one Pure Love Smoothie!
Mine turned out a bit sour-ish … do you think is due to the berries? Otherwise nice texture and super nourishing smoothie.
Love your smoothies, Marcel.