In this Health Minute article we’ll discuss, what I believe to be, some of the most important healing principles that anyone could use in their healing journey.
Before we start, I would like to send a sincere message of compassion and hope for all those that are not well. Do not lose your hope, you can be healthy!
Being sick is not fun at all
There are many people that are sick these days and many are also living with the fear of not getting well. Many people have children for whom they are afraid that will become ill. We are living in a society where fear of disease is considered normal but nothing could be further from the truth.
Listen, I know that it’s not easy to be unwell. I also had my fair share of health challenges and I too was afraid that I won’t be able to get well. In fact, I was so afraid of remaining sick that I drove my wife crazy for years on end. Even when I started to get well, after years of studying health, after many changes and improvements in my health, even then I was still living with the fear of getting sick again.
After spending almost 10 years studying various areas of holistic health, it’s fair to say that I gathered a few comclusions of my own. In this article I decided to put together a short summary of these conclusions, and I sincerely hope that you’ll be inspired to believe in the power of your healing.
15 Principles for your Healing Journey
Without further ado, here are 15 principles that you can use as a guide in your healing journey.
My advice is to study these healing principles, do further investigations of your own, reflect on them and start applying these principles only if you find them fit for you.
1. You have a purpose in this world.
Do not forget that you are here with a purpose, and that everything happens for a reason. Your biggest challenge today will lead you one step closer to unfolding your purpose.
Do not lose your hope and know that you will pass over these obstacles. Trust in the path as this journey will get you the wisdom needed to get over your health challenges.
2. You are designed to heal yourself.
Know that your body is designed to heal itself, and know that you only have to know how to let it heal.
The Innate Intelligence that made the body and governs the body will also heal your body.
You are designed to live on this planet.
You are designed to heal yourself.
Your body is self-healing and self-regulating.
Your body has huge potential and your healing journey is only a step in your learning path in this life.
Learn how to let your body heal.
Allow your body the time, nutrients, rest and the coherent emotional state that it needs in order to repair and regenerate itself.
3. Know the magic of the human body.
The human body is made from about 50 trillion cells that regenerate weekly, monthly or yearly, depending on the type of cell and period in your life.
Are you aware and conscious of this magical process? You certainly aren’t conscious of it since you aren’t controlling the trillions of processes that happen in your body in every second. Neither of us is conscious of the magic that happens in our body, yet we know deep down inside of us that something magical is happening.
Know it in your heart how magical your body is, and surrender to its Innate Intelligence for the healing to happen.
4. Allow for the healing to happen.
Allow in your mind and in your heart for the possibility of being healed, being well, being happy and healthy. Embody the feeling of being healthy and practice this meditation daily.
Healing can only start with the belief that you can be healthy. You will have to be aware of this possibility, and to know it in your heart and in your mind.
5. Your mind may be your biggest enemy.
Become aware of your unconscious thoughts, feelings and emotions. Slowly observe them and become aware of your negative patterns.
Learn how to release those negative thoughts and feelings, because they keep you in a low vibrational state that blocks your healing.
6. Stress is making you sick.
We cannot heal our body when we’re living in a constant state of stress. When we are constantly afraid on a conscious level but, maybe most importantly, on an unconscious level, we get sick all the time.
When we are living in a constant state of stress (this is called survival mode) the body does not have enough energy for repair and regeneration. When our body is not able to repair itself faster than it breaks down, we say that we’re sick.
In order to heal your body you’ll have to get out of the stress state for good. Healing can only happen in a calm mind and body, because stress is the main cause of dis-ease in the first place.
7. The medical system does not talk about Consciousness.
I’m not against proper medical advice but I understood that the current medical system does not take into consideration Consciousness and the Innate Intelligence of the body.
For the medical system, in their own terms, the cell is just a machine functioning by some physical laws. In reality, the cell is alive, intelligent, and it has consciousness.
Knowing that your cells are alive and aware should come as a revelation to you. Use this revelation as a ground for embracing and fueling your healing journey.
We should not feel the victims of genes, viruses, diets, pills, and so on. Our cells regenerate in every second, from the moment that we are born until we die. Knowing this wisdom was the power that fueled my healing journey.
8. Healing starts with belief.
Here is the mechanics of how true healing works …
You first have to believe that you can heal and actually see yourself as already healed. No matter what dis-ease you may suffer from, all healing is the process of aligning the energy that flows in (that makes up) your body.
You will have to get into a calm.meditative state and establish heart-brain coherence. After which you will have to embody the feelings of calmness, compassion, love for life, joy. While feeling these regenerative emotions, you will have to rehearse in your mind and in your heart who do you want to become … the new person in which the dis-ease does not exist.
Lastly, you’ll have to be consistent, rehearse and embody the feeling of being healthy on a daily basis.
9. The 3 main causes of disease.
All dis-eases have only 3 main causes: physical, chemical and/or emotional stress.
Physical stress is related to accidents or trauma.
Chemical stress refers to unhealthy food, toxins in our environment, chemicals around us or in the products that we use.
Lastly, the biggest factor for disease is emotional psychological stress.
Living in a constant state of emotional stress is what is called Survival Mode. That is when the body will deplete all its nourishment, all its vital energy, and when dis-function and dis-ease takes over.
Working to balance emotional stress through various modalities should be a priority for everyone, not only for those with health challenges.
10. Brain, Mind and Consciousness.
The Brain is the physical organ found in your head.
The Mind is basically the Brain in action, and it’s the product of Consciousness that animates the Brain to produce Mind.
Know that you are not your mind. You are the consciousness behind the mind. You are the observer of the mind. The mind is not you, is not who you are,
This is a very deep concept that may take some time to gasp but, once you do gasp this concept, you’ll understand that the intelligence that made the body can heal the body.
11. Food is not everything.
The food that you consume can be perfectly organic and healthy food but, if it’s not properly digested or absorbed, it will become almost useless in terms of healing your body.
You see, the feelings and emotions that you have at the time of eating a meal (and basically all day and night) actually have a huge impact on the way that you digest and absorb food. Even the best food will be improper;y digested and absorbed in a state of stress or, even worse, when living in survival mode.
Being afraid, anxious, stressed, unhappy, or in a negative emotional state, all of these mental emotional states can lead to food not being used properly by the body,
12. Physical stress is hugely ignored.
While emotional stress is certainly the biggest cause of dis-ease, when talking about dis-ease we must also consider both chemical stress and physical stress. In my opinion, the latter is the most overlooked of the three types of stress.
You see, when the spine is not aligned properly and does not function as it should, various organs and parts of the body won’t function as needed. This in turn leads to various types of dysfunctions that can manifest as dis-eases.
From an old injury to various problems with the alignment of the spine, physical stress can be easily detected and adjusted by visiting a knowledgeable chiropractor.
13. Our perceptions drive our life.
When it comes to how we see the world, our perceptions influence not only our choices and beliefs in life, but they influence everything related to our health.
From the cells that make-up our skin, to our digestion, and certainly to healing, the way that we perceive the world has a huge influence on our health.
You see, if we choose to see the world as a frightful place, this will have a negative impact on the chemistry of the body. Seeing the world in a negative way can break down our body faster that it will be able to repair itself (we call this dis-ease).
On the other hand, when we look at the world through the lens of positivity and possibility, this has the opposite beneficial effect. Now we allow for the healing to happen since we are not living in a constant state of stress.
Putting it simple, when the mind informs the body that it is safe to create, the body (at the cellular level) will allocate more resources for cellular growth and repair. When we live from the frequency of elevated emotions, our cells feel “safe” to regenerate properly and this promotes our overall health.
Don’t you feel creative when you are relaxed? Don’t you feel that everything is possible when you feel safe or happy? The same is true for the healing …. it can only happen when you feel safe, relaxed, happy, joyful, in love.
14. Keep your life simple.
In terms of taking care of my body, I discovered that basic principles still apply very well. From food choices to daily living routines, going basic and minimalistic has been one of the best decisions in my life so far.
We don’t need to make complicated choices daily, to have extensive exercise routines, to eat the perfect food, sleep in special beds, take the newest supplements and so on. Similarly, we certainly don’t need complicated medical diagnoses, treatments or interventions, or the latest high-tech medical gear in order to be healthy.
Keeping things simple in terms of food, exercise, movement, type of work, living space, all of these will allow your mind and body to ease into a restful state. In turn this simply means that your body will heal faster while you’ll develop awareness of everything that is without feeling stressed with complicated ideas.
15. Become a new person.
In order to heal yourself of anything really you’ll have to become a new person with new thoughts, feelings and emotions. You will have to identify the thoughts, behaviors and feelings that aren’t beneficial for your health, and to decide with an open heart to let go of them. You will have to consciously embrace new thoughts, feelings and behaviors that will support your health.
Ask yourself these types of questions?
- How does a healthy happy person thinks and acts?
- Who do you want to become as the healthy version of you?
- How does the healthy version of you should think, feel and act?
Instead of conclusions
Your body is magical, isn’t it so?!
You are the magician, the creator of your life.
You body is made by the all powerful energy that is everywhere and that made everything.
Your body has an Innate Intelligence that your conscious mind cannot even start to acknowledge.
Your body started to grow from one cell, and it constantly evolves and develops.
Your body is designed to heal itself, and in fact your cells are rebuilding in every moment.
I hope that my article was inspirational to you and that you decided it’s time to be healthy again. I wish you the best in your healing journey and, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to write me.
Think Love,
Feel Love,
Act Love,
Be Love!