Welcome to this Health Minute episode where we’ll talk about the concept that healing always starts with the belief that one can heal. We’ll discuss how stress impacts the healing process, and the steps needed to take in order to allow the healing to happen.
Healing starts with the belief that you are already healed. If belief is maybe a strange concept to you, we could say that the healing starts with the knowing, deep in your heart, that you will heal sooner or later.
The healing first starts with having the belief that you can heal, that you can be healthy.
It’s important to understand that the healing should not be questioned deep in your heart, in your knowing, in your soul.
Next, you are asked to get into a heart-brain coherence state, because that’s where the healing process will start manifesting.
You are asked to get to a calm place, and to surround yourself with a calm atmosphere. You are asked to simply feel safe and relaxed. Know that stress and healing cannot share the same space.
You are asked to slow down your brain waves and get into alpha brain waves. In order to make your brain work into alpha brain waves, you will have to stay away from everyday emotional stress.
On the other hand, know that stress makes the brain work in high beta brain waves. When one’s brain is constantly functioning using beta brain waves, the body and brain are in a constant state of mental activity. This constant mental activity counteracts the healing process.
Even worse, when the brain functions in high beta brain waves, this indicates a state of constant stress. This high-energy state in the brain (high beta brain waves) consumes even more of the body’s energy that otherwise could be used for healing.
On the other hand, alpha brain waves are reminiscent of a state of calmness and creativity. This is the place where the process of repair and healing can and will happen. When the brain works in alpha brain waves most of the time, the body has time and energy to repair itself.
So you want to slow down the pace of your everyday life. This way your brain will work more and more using alpha brain waves, where repair and rejuvenation happens.
Next, you are asked to explore mentally and emotionally not only the possibility that you can heal, but that you are already healed.
This exploration cannot happen from an emotion of stress, anger, upset, remorse and other so-called “negative” emotions. These negative emotions don’t allow your mind to explore unknown possibilities with an open heart. These so-called “negative” emotions create incoherence between heart and brain, which is not a state where healing can happen.
In order for the coherence between the brain, mind and consciousness to happen, you will have to feel “positive” feelings using your heart center.
Feeling gratitude, compassion, love, joy for life, for nature and everything else around you, that is the state that will allow you to explore possibilities that aren’t usually explored by the so-called “normal” and “rational” person.
The so-called “normal” person lives in a constant state of anticipation, trying to predict the next moment in order to avoid the perceived danger. Unfortunately, that isn’t a place for the healing to happen. That’s what we call living in survival mode, and that isn’t the place where healing happens. Rather that is a place where breakdown and disease appears.
Know that we aren’t doing anything magical here. We are simply trying to get into an alpha meditative state where energy can flow in a coherent way between heart, brain, and the consciousness that is all around you and in you.
Since your thoughts and emotions are energy on different frequencies, and since dis-ease is basically a lack of coherent energy in the physical body, your goal for healing should be to “transmit” a coherent signal into The Field using the heart-brain coherence principle. Establishing a coherence between the heart and the brain is the place to start when it comes to healing your body.
As I’ve explained, you cannot heal if your emotional footprint is associated with negative, destructive, incoherent feelings and emotions. This is how we as humans work, and this is how the universe works. Why? Simply because an incoherent signal is like an intersection without signal indicators and this potentially creates chaos. Healing can only happen when the energy flows in a coherent way instead of a chaotic way.
Once you establish the heart-brain coherence, you are asked to embody the feeling of being already healed.
Ask yourself the following questions:
- How does it feel to be healthy?
- How does the healed person talk, walk, speak, live life, and so on?
- What does the healthy person do every day?
- What do they feel?
- How does a health person thinks, acts and feels?
Rehearsing the feeling of already being healed will install neural circuits in your brain corresponding to this new experience of being healed. First your brain, and later your body, will change to reflect the new “you””, the “you” that is now healing.
The dis-ease cannot exist in this new person, this new “you””. Putting this in another way, … In order to heal, you will have to change yourself to a new level of mind that does not contain the dis-ease. This new person will have to have other thoughts and to feel other feelings. This new person will have to feel joy, compassion, gratitude, genuine love, and no dis-ease.
The healing process can also be associated with various therapies or treatments but, when the heart and brain will work in coherence, that will be the time when the body will be able to heal completely.
Keep in mind that stress is not a place for healing to happen. In order for healing to happen, one needs to get out of the stress state and get into a heart-brain coherent state. This coherence between heart and brain will allow the energy in your body to re-adjust, and you will slowly start to heal.
In opposition, no matter what kind of therapies one does, if the mind and body are not in harmony, (harmonious vibration), the healing will either not happen at all or will not last much time. Without the heart-brain coherence, the body will, sooner or later, return to the state of dis-ease.
Healing always starts with belief.
Having the belief and feeling calm feelings leads to developing coherence between heart and brain.
This heart-brain coherence will allow for the healing to happen.
Note that we aren’t doing the healing, we are simply getting into a state where the Innate Intelligence present in the body and all around us will do the healing for us. Our goal should be to get out of the way, create a coherence energy in our body, and let the Innate Intelligence do the healing for us.