A Health Coach is a wellness expert who educates, motivates and guides people toward lifestyle and behavior choices that support optimal well-being.
Health coaching is about you, your health goals and finding natural ways to achieve those health goals. Your health goals could be anything, from losing weight, better sleep, getting back in shape, or getting back the energy you’ve once had, learning all about real food, preventing cavities, managing skin consitions, and even helping with autoimmune diseases, managing stress or certain situations in your life, or maybe you need guidance on healing specific health conditions.
I see health as a balance of the following 6 factors: emotional stress, mindset, food, exercise, sleep, and environmental toxins. My mission is to help you adjust these factors to achieve optimal health, as well as keeping all these factors in perfect harmony to maintain optimal health.
I always focus on having a holistic approach towards optimal health. I understand the healing powers of the body and the nutritional, physical and mental support you need in order to progress and thrive in your health journey.