Welcome to this Health Minute episode where we’ll dive into the topic of what happens with the body when we’re living by the same emotions every day.
Feelings and Emotions are not bad, they are the end products of our experiences. But what happens to our body when we tend to feel the same emotions?
Science tells us that, if we experience the same things over and over again, if we live in the same mode of thinking the same thoughts and feeling the same emotions, we will end-up in a “box of our mind”.
When we live by the same emotions, when we make the same choices in our life, the body will start to wear out in some ways because we tend to overuse it at the cellular level. Let me explain what I mean by overusing the body …. What happens if you only turn a car to the right and never to the left? Eventually the wheels on the right side will wear out faster.
The same thing happens with our body when we overuse it in some way. Feeling the same limited set of emotions will give rise to the same genetic expression. This is what the science of epigenetics tells us.
If we live by a limited set of thoughts and emotions (our past experiences basically) we’ll eventually start to “predict” and “expect” the same “pleasurable” outcomes. Sooner or later, the body will start craving emotionally (chemically) the same “pleasurable” experiences, that produce the same emotions, that give rise to the same thoughts, … and the loop continues on and on.
We literally become dependent of the way that we think and feel, and we cannot accept (or so we tend to believe) to live in some other way. This is called “living in the box of the same thinking and feeling”.
Moreover, in some situations when the body doesn’t “feel” the way that we think we should feel, we tend to get afraid. Now we have a panic attack and, most of the time, we aren’t even aware of it. That’s because the body has literally become the unconscious mind, and it is only trying to maintain its chemical balance. At the celluar level the body “needs” to feel in a certain way otherwise it will become chemically disturbed. What’s even worse is that this chemical imbalance will reflect back into the mind (through our thoughts), and again the loop continues.
When we live by the same feelings and emotions every day, they become a drug for the body. We’ll need those familiar emotions (chemicals really) in order to give us the sense of self that we’re so accustomed to (the I Am). We tend to become identified with the way that we think and feel, and we will do almost anything to establish back the chemical balance in the body (what we call “our normal way of being”).
When we become so dependent to our emotions, when the body becomes so used to the chemicals of emotion, we cannot “live” another way. This is a clear indication that we need to change otherwise we are headed for a predictable future.
We have to “wake-up” from this emotional rollercoaster and consciously change something in our life. We need new experiences in order to transform ourselves, but we have to change in a conscious way.
Thoughts and feelings are part of the feedback loop of the body. But living by the same emotions every day is not only limiting in terms of our general development, but will eventually wear out the body, making us sick in the process, Living by the same emotions will keep us in the same loop of thinking and feeling, and this will eventually deplete the body of its nourishment and its life force.