If you want something healthy to fuel your mind and body, this low-carb Pure Greens Perfect Green Smoothie is a must-have! Packed with healthy nutrients (greens alert everyone!), naturally sweet with a creamy texture, this perfect green smoothie will exceed all your expectations.

Ingredients for a perfect green smoothie
This green smoothie falls into the advanced category which, for me, it simply means a smoothie with plenty of ingredients and some awkward ones.
Check-out the amazing ingredients that you’ll be using for this green smoothie:
- avocado
- cabbage
- carrots
- celery
- leeks
- fennel
- frozen spinach
- polka beet
- apple
- turmeric powder
- ginger powder
- chia seeds
- extra virgin coconut oil
- lime juice (fresh)
- Himalayan salt
While the ingredients list may seem long, these colorful plants blend together into a delicious sweet and creamy smoothie. This perfect green smoothie is something special … and de-li-cious!
Tips and trick for making amazing green smoothies: How to Make the Best Green Smoothie

Why you should blend the Perfect Green Smoothie?
This smoothie was simply too good to not share with you. It was:
Pure Green
Naturally Sweet
Nutrient Rich
This smoothie was exactly what I needed after a long fasting in the morning and it’s definitely one for the days when your body says: “Hey, I need my greens today!”.
Besides being loaded with green plants, this recipe is low in carbs and naturally sweet, which makes it perfect for the low-carb and keto way of eating.
One last thing … you can feel the taste of the leeks but it’s not too much and it’s also kind of a special taste to have in a smoothie. I love it and so does my wife but, in case you want to skip that leeks taste, use only half of the leeks I used and you’ll be fine.
I hope you’ll enjoy this Perfect Green Smoothie as much as we did. If you try it please consider letting me know what you think about it the comments. And don’t forget to @refreshmyhealth on Social Media.
Love and positive vibes to you beautiful person. Yes, You!
Share this perfect green smoothie with someone close to you. I’d also appreciate a review, thank you in advance!

Pure Greens Perfect Green Smoothie
- Blender
- 1 big avocado (skinned and seedless)
- 10 leaves cabbage (chopped)
- 1 big carrot (sliced)
- 1 stick celery (chopped)
- 5 cm leeks (sliced)
- 1 big slice fennel (chopped)
- 100 g frozen spinach
- 1 polka beet (peeled, chopped small)
- 1 apple (sweet and sour, seedless)
- 1 tsp turmeric powder
- 1 tsp ginger powder
- 3 tsp chia seeds
- 3 tsp extra virgin coconut oil
- 1/2 lime (juice only)
- 1/2 tsp Himalayan salt (optional)
- 600 ml water (or enough to cover the ingredients)
- Add everything into your blender, including water.
- Blend on medium to high until everything looks smooth and creamy. If it looks too thick, just add more water.
- Serve fresh or store in the fridge for 2-3 days.
- Color: pure light green
- Texture: thick and creamy
- Taste: distinctive sweet taste (fennel + apple) with a leeks aftertaste
Marcel, let me start by saying that your photos are amazing and they sre what made me wanna try this smoothie. Ha ha!
The smoothie itself was just perfect for my taste … creamy and super nice to drink, and I could feel all those nutrients (as you say). It was just right for my taste! (Well… I guess I said that once already) loool
Thank you for putting together such a lovely green smoothie!