Many people are not aware of the power of their dreams (beliefs), so I wanted to write a short article on this very interesting topic of dreaming at a better version of you.
Welcome to this Health Minute episode where we’ll dive into the topic of believing in possibilities beyond what you can see with your eyes. Here’s how you can use this method of “dreaming” as a way to achieve your goals in life.
Dreams are the way that your mind installs neural circuits in your brain related to a purpose or a wish that you may have.
Dreams are also the way that energy starts moving towards a certain goal that you want to achieve.
Dreams starts in the mind but are actually fueled by the energy of the heart.
Stay with me and I promise you that it will make sense soon enough.
When I use the term “dream”, I am referring to a deep focus (thought and feeling) towards a certain objective. You’ll have to be concentrated about your goal and to focus on it permanently and with conscious attention.
Your dreams are the very first step towards becoming the person that you want to be. In order to achieve something, anything, you must first “dream” about it, imagine it, feel it.
Take health for instance … before you will have improved your health, you must first dream about it. You must really think about it, focus about it, imagine it. You must create a mental representation of being healthy. You must also feel how being healthy feels like.
So we can say that, in order to be healthy, you must first create a mental picture of the healthy version of you. Then you must focus on it until your body starts to feel like a healthy person feels like.
Do this enough times and your body will soon start to experience how the healthy “you” feels like. Now you’re training your body emotionally to feel healthy. You’re now telling your body (and your mind) that you know how to be healthy, and that you want to be healthy. Feeling positive emotions will help fuel your health dream even more so.
Without dreaming at this ideal version of being healthy, you will probably remain stuck in thinking and feeling about the dis-ease. We can say that being un-healthy feels one way, and being healthy feels another way. And if you’re feeling like an un-healthy person, then there’s little chance to improve your health.
Listen … We’ve all been sick one time at least. Being un-healthy is not fun at all. But in order to change our health we must first “dream” about it.
The science of Epigenetics tells us that we are the product of our perceptions. Putting this in simple terms, imagine that our cells cannot see outside the body and they rely on the interpretations of our mind to tell them what is on the outside. If you feel un-healthy, scared, unhappy, poor, etc … your cells will respond in a different way than when you feel healthy, happy, etc.
No matter what you want to achieve, it all starts with first dreaming about it. It all starts with our ability, as human beings, to consciously create a mental picture of an ideal version of us, and to keep that picture in our mind, making it more real than anything else. We also have to feel the feeling of already being that person.
So my advice for you today is to allow you the time and energy to dream with your eyes open at the healthier, happier, better, fulfilled version of you. Feel the feeling of being that person and you will soon become it.
I hope this makes sense, thanks for reading and see you on the next one!