In this workshop we’ll focus on the connection between stress and disease. When we talk about stress, we actually talk about 3 different types of stress: physical stress (injury), chemical stress (toxins) and emotional stress (perception, fear, etc) . It is now known that all diseases come from at least one of these types of stressors, and it happens when stress becomes chronic.
In this workshop we’ll mainly discuss about emotional stress and the way our perception of the world can influence our health situation. We’ll discuss how the mind works and how we literally become depended on the stress chemicals, this being the leading cause for almost all diseases that we may develop over time. We’ll also discuss practical ways to understand and change our perception of the world (main cause of emotional stress) and how to improve our health by eliminating emotional stress.
It’s true that we are designed to live with and sustain some kind of short term stress, but we aren’t designed to live in a world where stress has become chronic. What most people don’t know about emotional stress is that our perception of how we see the world actually influences the way or bodies are transforming on a daily basis. Our perception literally creates our every day reality and this is huge in terms of health.
When we choose to see the world as a dangerous place, our brain will secrete chemicals to prepare us to either run or fight. This “feature” is part of the autonomous nervous system and it’s designed to keep us safe from wild predators (… in the wild). But what happens when the perceive stressor is our boss, coworker, neighbor, or maybe the fear of becoming ill? This is called chronic emotional stress and it can make our body literally break down – this is what we commonly call disease or disfunction.